Using What I Already Have Menu Monday

I have extra carrots, cabbage, brocolli, cauliflower in the fridge. Also plenty of beans, grains and pasta in the pantry. I want to make a big effort this month to get our food budget down, and I don’t want to waste any of these yummy leftovers. So I’ll be concentrating on what I have in the pantry and freezer.

So this week is a mix of old and new dishes with all of them showing up in lunches as well. What are you guys making this week?

Monday: Veggie meatloaf with sun dried tomatoes, leftover green bean casserole, and creamed peas

Tuesday: go out to eat at Watts Grocery

Wednesday: Cauliflower Chezy Soup with spinach rice

Thursday: Veggie fried rice and steamed dumplings

Friday: Broccoli Lentil Soup with Roasted Pepper Coulis with leftover meatloaf and mashed potatoes

Saturday: Black bean soup and cheese quesadillas

Sunday: Shepard’s Pie made with leftover meatloaf, potatoes and veggies

Check out more menu’s here:

More Veggie Menus:

5 Responses

  1. Everything sounds wonderful! I’m checking out the Cauliflower Chezy Soup, and Veggie meatloaf recipe now.

  2. Love that halloween pie! I didn’t get to menu planning this week yet =( I’m thinking most nights are going to be either super easy or cooked by the hubby. lol =)

  3. I used almost half of our November food budget (well, more like 2/3) this week, so I desperately need to “eat out of the pantry” over the next few weeks! We have tons of beans and grains stocked, plus greens in the garden, so we’ll see how it goes. That Broccoli Lentil Soup looks YUMMY!

  4. […] I am on a serious baking kick, so prepare yourselves for lots of baked goods coming your way on the Book of Yum! Here are some more vegetarian menus for inspiration: Geeky Poets […]

  5. Hey there,

    I was going to try and message you through Twitter, but I’m a dork and new at it so I couldn’t figure it out. Anyway, my Menu Plan Monday for tomorrow is ready to post, and I’d like to continue the “Veggie Menu Plan Monday” thing you were talking about…so I’ll go ahead and post, and as soon as you and any other veggie blogs post, I’ll update mine to reflect those.

    Oh yeah, and I’m using one of your recipes from last week!

    -Stacey at Mom Must Write

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